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Old 24th December 2003, 04:27 PM
crash crash is offline
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Hi Becareful,

Well I get your point now. I thought what you were saying was alluding to handicapping in general being a waste of time.

I have found incorporating the study of sectionals [last 600m] and overall times to 1600m with my handicapping has improved my winnings/reduced my loses. I have plenty of time and I find studying form, especially down by the lake on a sunny morning with the Sportsman and my black book, a most relaxing and enjoyable pursuit as my approach to this Sport of Kings for me anyway, has always been recreational.
Some years I am in profit others I am not.

I would hate to try and make a living from this game, but find the odd financial boosts I get as pleasant effort rewarded.

Cheers and have a good one too !!

[ This Message was edited by: crash on 2003-12-24 17:32 ]
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Old 24th December 2003, 04:45 PM
stebbo stebbo is offline
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On 2003-12-24 17:27, crash wrote:

I have found incorporating the study of sectionals [last 600m] and overall times to 1600m with my handicapping has improved my winnings/reduced my loses.

Hi Crash,

could you please give me a brief rundown on how you go about this??? Sectionals is something that I've never really looked at... Are the sectional times available anywhere or do you need to work them out or what ????


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Old 25th December 2003, 06:20 AM
crash crash is offline
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Hi Stebbo,

Sectionals are available [the last 600m I am interested in] in town and overall times everywhere naturally. I'm looking at both and using these figures [and others] to look for form improvement that during a campaign points to when a future win is imminent. This for me anyway is easier to do than to write about as Osulldj has done so eloquently in describing formline.

As an example, I think my last tip here concerned the Traralgon Cup winner Just Cris who won the 1900m. race in 1.58.01. 2nd. was Sand Belt by a neck to Aggro 2.9 lth. 3rd. I will come back to Jus Cris a bit latter. Country Cup races is one area I do note the times to distances up to 2400m as I find them consistent and a great place to pick up city wins from the place getters at good odds.

When Sand Belt next appeared at MV with the top Jockey Noel Callow on board in a rather weak 2040m open Hcp. [again on a good track] the Traralgon time held up well and I pocketed a nice 6/1 profit on his win. Aggro's next start was last Sat. at Flemington on a dead track over 2550m. for a respectable 1.9 lth. 5th. A no bet. That race I believe was to reduce weight and improve odds as the distance was all wrong for him. His next start over 1900m. to 2040m on a good track should see a nice win at good odds [you read it here first !! ]. Look out for it.

Greg Eurell is a trainer I particularly like. He places his horses well and his efforts with Just Chris [had been suffering a lung infection prior to this campaign] was a good example, improving from a C3 at Cranbourne over 2025m in 2.07.22 carrying 56kg. to a Traralgon Cup Win in three starts. The 2040m. race 2nd.up at MV saw him beaten by only 1.5 lths for 5th. carrying 55kg. in an improved time of 2.07.30 with the last 600m. run in a respectable 36.53. His next start in the Cup with only 54kg. had my money all over him. Time was 1.58.01. Out to spell now I think. You can see by the times a horse on the improve to a good odds win.

Hope this has made some sense. With handicapping there is no correct way of doing things. Personal methods just develop over years without there being a 'formula'. Some punters are mostly formline handicappers but my niche is watching horse placement, trainers, times and weights. Formline is in there but for me not as prominently as it is for Osulldj.

This time of year I don't have as much free time and tend to pull out a couple of tried and tested systems to use until after the holidays. I don't back the selections blank but do a bit of general handicapping and if they stand up it's a bet. They are doing very well at the moment with two weeks of consistent profit but they don't produce the enjoyment that straight out handicapping does. It's the intellectual challenge of playing sleuth that's attractive.

Cheers and have a good Crissy.

[ This Message was edited by: crash on 2003-12-25 07:44 ]
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Old 25th December 2003, 07:50 AM
becareful becareful is offline
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Cyberhorse form contains sectional times (as do most others) and also the position in running at various points - BUT this information is only available for metro tracks which in my mind limits its usefullness.

Can't really understand why they dont record the sectional time for all TAB meetings these days - the equipment required is relatively simple and given they send TV broadcast trucks to all the venues it should be a simple task to have the TV guys set the equipment up each day.

Anyway so far I have not found a useful way of incorporating times into my systems because of the difficulties with no times from some venues and comparing times between other venues (different track layouts, surfaces, etc). However I do store it in my database just in case I find a way to use it effectively one day!

Hope you are having a great day!
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Old 25th December 2003, 08:42 AM
woof43 woof43 is offline
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I think there's a few important questions that need to be asked when dealing with Time, they are How long is a Length? and How long is a race?
I personally use Time as the most important Variable.
To me, its not the distance of Todays race but the distance raced by each runner Life To Date(LTD).I use all a horses LTD formlines.
If you plot Track records by weight carried over each distance at the major tracks you can develop an accelrartion/deceleration matrix based on those Fixed Points, you'll then find the Slope/Intercept Standard, this will provide the first crosshair in pinpointing the Speed ability of each horse
The answer to the first question, in gryhound racing they assign .066 as the time for a length, but this is inacurate, think of a distance race the speed of the winner and the speed of a short sprint race winner as they cross the line, the time it takes to travel a length is different..
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Old 26th December 2003, 12:05 PM
osulldj osulldj is offline
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While on the topic of formlines, there has been another great recent example.

On 6/12 there was a maiden won by Debonair, which on figures shaped up as stronger than usual.

Out of that race...

2nd place Cathys Gold has won next start by 8L at 6/1

3rd place Troubadors Gem won next start by 3.8L at 6/4

4th place Debonair won the first at Newcastle today as favourite

5th place Incontro won next start by 3.3L at 11/4

6th and 7th place ran 2nd in separate races won by horses mentioned above.

The winner of the formline race Mediator is going around well up in class at Randwick today in race 7. Ironically she looks the one least likely to win due to the class rise but time will tell.
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Old 26th December 2003, 01:37 PM
crash crash is offline
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Interestingly Osulladj, Bulbasaur is running today in R7 at Caufield. I have backed it in it's last 2 starts for a win and a 2nd. but I am hopping aboard Choreograph who I think may have the weight advantage today. With Danny Nickolic riding I am happy with the early 7/1 I obtained.

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Old 26th December 2003, 05:41 PM
osulldj osulldj is offline
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Hi Crash,

$7 was a great price Choreograph given it started $4.40 fav. I didn't bet in the race but unfortunately Bulbasaur was just able to fend off what I'm sure would have been a great collect for you.

Interesting that the 3 formline horses mentioned previously ran the trifecta. There is no doubt that the form around their recent runs is quite strong. I should say though that they were all in the market so no genuis awards there. Cariboo was the lay in my view...he beat nothing here in Sydney and I don't know how he started close enough to favourite.
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Old 16th May 2005, 02:23 PM
Punter4211 Punter4211 is offline
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Default Speed ratings

Originally Posted by woof43
I think there's a few important questions that need to be asked when dealing with Time, they are How long is a Length? and How long is a race?
I personally use Time as the most important Variable.
To me, its not the distance of Todays race but the distance raced by each runner Life To Date(LTD).I use all a horses LTD formlines.
If you plot Track records by weight carried over each distance at the major tracks you can develop an accelrartion/deceleration matrix based on those Fixed Points, you'll then find the Slope/Intercept Standard, this will provide the first crosshair in pinpointing the Speed ability of each horse
The answer to the first question, in gryhound racing they assign .066 as the time for a length, but this is inacurate, think of a distance race the speed of the winner and the speed of a short sprint race winner as they cross the line, the time it takes to travel a length is different..

Dear Woof43...

I am in pursuit of accurate info on speed ratings... What do you think of the information provided at ? The technology they use should over come the length of a race problems and recently I read a funny article on how far is a length... It seems in Europe horses are 3 meters long, in the USA they shorten to 2.8 meters and in Oz we have the shortest at 2.75m.. I understand the rail markings at Randwick and Rosehill are 2.75m but at Canterbury horse gain a n extra .05m...

Without real facts it's all a bit up in the air..

Kind Regards


Allways the student...

Last edited by Moderator 4 : 16th May 2005 at 08:43 PM.
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Old 16th May 2005, 07:11 PM
woof43 woof43 is offline
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Default Length of a Race

Hi Oz
I'm not sure that you understood what I meant regarding "How long is a Race" think about it that when the winner crosses the finishline the race is over.

You really don't want to know what each runner took to run the allotted distance, you need to find out how far they ran in the winning time and this this is the 2nd step.

The first step is you need to change the measure of each race, a good starting point is to multiply the race distance by the Track record, I'm not going to disclose everything but that should get you thinking.

Then you will progress to "how far is a length" the answer to that is located in the above two steps.

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