17th July 2006, 06:25 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Queensland
Posts: 2,628
American Football Fantasy League
Hey guys not sure if any of you have an interest in the sport or not but there is only one way to find out my mates and I have been playing a league for the last 5 years and have had one of the original owners pull out this season, I amnot sure how familiar you guys are with Fantasy Football but if you are interested let me know by email bears34@bigpond.net.au or yahoo IM half_hennessy or MSN IM sweetnesswp34@hotmail.com
The cost of the league is $60 per season and it is a keeper league like I say if anyone is interested send me an email or something and I will have a chat we are all australians who are in the league by the way most of us live in the Rockhampton/Gladstone area with one other in Tasmania.