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Old 20th March 2007, 01:10 AM
ubetido ubetido is offline
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Default Make 1% a week

Hi all

So if one had a bank of say $100000 and wanted to make 1% per week (1000) what strategy would most likely succeed.

Assuming a person has selections or ratings already selected by an external source. Generally the strike rates a closely similar
20-25% 1st selection
15-20% 2nd selection
10-15% 3rd selection

One would want to protect the bank as much as possible and would have 7 days of betting available to them per week.

Covering all codes it would add up to around 4000 races a month.

Win small amounts but lots of them as like a progression and betting more than one animal in the race

Be selective and put bigger bets on expsoing more risk to bank with outs etc and betting just one selection

This person is retired and wants to make an income without paying tax so even 0.5% is sufficient or (500) per week

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body,but rather to skid in sideways, BEER in one hand- PIZZA in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOO HOO!
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Old 20th March 2007, 01:38 AM
partypooper partypooper is offline
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Ubetido, you and I had a run many moons ago, totally my fault, or should I say the fault of the old amber fluid?? anyway I appologise for that, but for your current question....... YUP, I have been working on it for a while....... now I have to be careful when I say that I think I have cracked the problem, cos although I have done it so far (and have had several trips around the world on the proceeds) there is absolutely NO guarantee that it will hold up in the future. Having said that my cash is on, I AM confident.

You have to start where the winners are (or in my case the placings), if you go for win betting, probably a better POT is obtainable BUT the runs of outs are a real test. I prefer betting for the place, it just suits my personality better. I want VERY regular returns!!

So "TOP RATED SELECTIONS" is where you start, in my case I use Tab- Form 100 raters as i can't stand the thought of paying for Ratings, but from what I've heard a top class Ratings Service is probably better.

Then I apply several rules, mostly the usual, i.e. 21 days, win in exposed form etc etc + a few of my own,

The result a slender POT, BUT I DON"T LOSE!!

And if you wanna know how I get those trips around the world out of it??? you will need to contact me on, Lumbasakabayo at Hotmale dot comm (cryptic)

Good luck!
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Old 20th March 2007, 04:04 AM
ubetido ubetido is offline
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Hi Partypooper

Thanks for your reply, can't recall having a run with you as i generally don't what i do remember is that you did have some ideas in regards to betting for a place.

Yes run of outs is a concern with betting just one to win when its on a bad run it takes some good priced winners to get you back out of the ditch one has dug.

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body,but rather to skid in sideways, BEER in one hand- PIZZA in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOO HOO!
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Old 20th March 2007, 11:11 AM
partypooper partypooper is offline
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Ubetido, yes I think it's the hardest thing to overcome the fact that the horror runs are inevitable, i.e. just the way the cookie crumbles, but also the fantastic runs are also inevitable, so I contend (still) that you have to ride out the adverse times and capitalise on the good times. So although my bread and butter is from LEVEL STAKES, the boredom is broken by % betting of a second bank to liven things up.
If place betting with a decent S/R say 70%+, this could be say 20% NEVER REDUCING, now yes for certain that bank will be wiped out sometimes ACCEPT this, it's those fantastic run of hits were trying to get onto, you can even have a maximum figure to reach then stop, draw out the cash, put some of it aside for some back-up banks and start again.
I will send you an example down the line (an actual run)
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Old 20th March 2007, 11:03 PM
Bhagwan Bhagwan is offline
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Heres a place staking plan that I came accross, that capitalises on a good run & pulls back on a bad run.

Bet 1/9th of bank , up & down on remainder of bank.
Bet 1/5th of bank after a placegetter is struck.
Bet 1/7th of bank after a loss
Bet 1/9th of bank after another loss.

It seems to work well if one has a 70% SR.

One method of selecting Placegetters that has its good days is...
Target races with 12 & less runners.
Target all the horses paying $5.00 & less for the win.
Target the hoses from this group that has the strogest UniTAB rating
e.g. take 100pts over 98pts.
Bet this for a place if it is paying $1.40+ ,no bet race if selection is less than this.

One has to have patience if one wishes to take on this approach.

It works just as well on Dogs & Trots.

Check out some past results before betting any real money with this.

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Old 21st March 2007, 02:11 AM
partypooper partypooper is offline
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G'day Baghwan, yes you seem to have nailed it there with your suggestion of a plan that shows a LEVEL STAKES PROFIT (the acid test) personaly though, hanging around to see if "MAYBE" it pay $1.40 for the place kills it for me.

All my plans are worked on the presumption that bets can be placed even the night b4 racing.

Even where a specific price is required (YES this is available, I'm doing it) otherwise it is just too hard!!

Good luck!
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Old 21st March 2007, 09:00 AM
stugots stugots is offline
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Thumbs down 100 raters

the '100' unitab raters have caused me a bit grief partypooper, whilst developing a 'lay' selection method based around the higher unitab ratings.

its not the shorties that are the real problem, more so those 100 raters that regularily get up @ $5.0+.

way i solved the problem? if its rated 100, then NO lay
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Old 21st March 2007, 12:09 PM
partypooper partypooper is offline
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stugots, I've never got into laying but what you say seems to make sense to me.
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Old 21st March 2007, 03:06 PM
ubetido ubetido is offline
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Hi all

Yes some valid points made. This is a new area for me as i have mainly concentrated on Trifectas.

I do feel there is a way of betting win and place and getting good returns even if it is going to win $1 per race.

Some may laugh at this but think about it there are approx 50000 races a year across all codes.

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body,but rather to skid in sideways, BEER in one hand- PIZZA in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOO HOO!
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Old 21st March 2007, 03:12 PM
xanadu xanadu is offline
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Sorry for butting in fellahs......
the best "system" to return more than 1 % POT is to follow Darren Beadman in the jockey challenge each and every raceday!
You will definitely return a respectable ROI.

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