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Old 7th February 2012, 09:29 AM
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Default Elimination systems

Currently I'm testing a system in which selects a strike rate of around 75% per race with multiple horses. Certain races appear to have 6-7 selections but on the odd occasion you have 1-2 picks which I want to back. Mainly 2 selections if they are paying over $3 each.

I've isolated the selections per venue/day and found that certain venues don't have much history behind them to get enough confidence.

So I thought maybe instead of by venue I just look at all the day of the week or maybe do it by distance for the whole week.

Instead of looking a horses in form, I'm basically applying rules to elimate horses that can't win a little like a quad.

Any thoughts?

PS: Anyone heard of the staking place using 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

Your stake is the 1st and the last number e.g. $8.
If it loses you then use 2 and 6, to be $8 again.
However if it wins you add the winning profit onto the sequence.
I overheard a gentleman on the weekend down at the races using it but couldn't gather all the information
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Old 7th February 2012, 10:14 AM
darkydog2002 darkydog2002 is offline
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I have.I,m sure i,ve seen it in the PPM EBook of staking plans (free at their site)
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Old 7th February 2012, 11:23 AM
thorns thorns is offline
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Sounds like a cancellation type of plan, have seen them numerous times over the years. From my memory, after a loss, you add that amount to the end of the series, so if your first bet was 1+7 and it lost, you would add 8 to the end, so your next bet was 1+8=9 and so on.

Cant remember the exact rules for when you win, but something along the lines of when it wins if its over a certain dividend, you cross off the two number at either end ie in above example, if your $9 bet won, you would cross off the 8 and 1, and then next bet would be 7+2.

Maybe someone can clear it up better than that, but I think its something along those lines.
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Old 7th February 2012, 12:03 PM
Bhagwan Bhagwan is offline
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Example of what was said.
Do we start again?

On a good run I can see this working , but one has to know when to stop before giving it all back again.

I think you will find that it can also be used in the opposite of what was described.


12W @1/1....123456789,10,11
Now deduct one digit off either end of No. sequence for each point of its fractional odds e.g. 1+11

Next bet

12W 2/1......23456789,10
winner - Now deduct 2 digits off either end of No. sequence for each point of fractional odds.e.g. 2+3+9+10

Next Bet

The idea is to keep going until there is only one digit left which means you have made a profit.
The idea works on paper but one has to have a bank of approx 1000:1 to have any chance of surviving because the bets go really up there when a few wins come in ,then a long run of outs.

It was originally designed to be used targeting odds of 6/4 (2.50 shots)


Heres an easier staking plan to follow.

After a loss
1 2 3 4 5 6

Go back the number of spots according to winning odds.
e.g. Go back 2 spots if priced say 1/1 each (2.00)
(ignoring the fractionals at end of price)

123456w 56w 567w 6w 5 6w 4ect

Go back the No. of points the winning price , ignoring the fractionals in the price dividend
e.g. Div 4.90 , take it as 4.00 (3/1)
Div 2.20, take as 2.00 (1/1)

Now go back the No. of point of winning odds after a winner is struck. e.g. 2.00 go back 1 spot (1/1)

1 2 3 4 5 6w @2.80 (treat as 1/1)
Next bet 5w @ 2.20 (treat as 1/1)
Next bet 4w @ 4.00 = 3/1

Ret 41.60
O/L 30.00
Prof +11.60

Next bet 1 ect

If the winning odds is less than 1/1
We still go back one spot because the fractional we ignore on the others, will make up the shortfall.

This plan only works showing a profit , where a selection plan brakes even at level stakes.

We are assuming the selections are 2.00+ to make this work.
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Old 7th February 2012, 01:04 PM
moeee moeee is offline
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The size of the immediate wager should not be influenced by any factor that does not have a bearing on the current event.
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