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Old 11th April 2012, 09:21 PM
gunny72 gunny72 is offline
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Default DS rankings

Does anyone have the strike rates of the first few ranked horses in the r&s DS ratings. I have read here that the LOT on the top rated is about 5% but what is the strike rate? Is it better than top weight?
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Old 11th April 2012, 09:47 PM
The Ocho The Ocho is offline
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And while your at it has anyone got the stats for the first 5 or 6 faves? I can't find where I've saved them to (if I saved them at all ) and I can't find them on here.
Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.”

― Earl Nightingale
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Old 11th April 2012, 09:49 PM
UselessBettor UselessBettor is offline
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You can get both those off my website.

Just run a system for each ranking and you will get the strike rate and profit.
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Old 11th April 2012, 09:50 PM
UselessBettor UselessBettor is offline
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There were 78993 horse form lines in the database at this point in time. We update when we get time.

There were 7374 selections for the System
There were 6788 races for the System
There were 1689 Winners for the System for a strike rate of 22.9%
There were $7159.31 returned for WIN (after 5% commission) which means a Profit or loss of $-214.69 or a percentage profit/loss of -2.91%

Test Another System

The Rules used were : donScottRank = 1
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Old 11th April 2012, 09:51 PM
UselessBettor UselessBettor is offline
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There were 6895 selections for the System
There were 6895 races for the System
There were 1093 Winners for the System for a strike rate of 15.85%
There were $6260.09 returned for WIN (after 5% commission) which means a Profit or loss of $-634.91 or a percentage profit/loss of -9.21%

Test Another System

The Rules used were : horseNumber = 1
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Old 11th April 2012, 10:15 PM
The Ocho The Ocho is offline
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Thanks UB. I have already looked and have commented somewhere that some faves seem to be running high - strike rate wise. That is why I was after a longer term view.
Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.”

― Earl Nightingale
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Old 11th April 2012, 10:20 PM
Lord Greystoke Lord Greystoke is offline
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Evening UB,

Having run a few scenarios thru your tester now, I've got a few queries if that's OK... ?

1. Is your system accurately returning SR and POT for backing the PLACE?
eg I noticed that the Av Div ($$$ returned / no. winners?) seem to be a little too high ie more like a WIN div which would then put the LOT/POT way out??

2. Should there be any difference in selections returned when using the "between" function Vrs "<="
eg Last start>=1 and Last start <=3 vrs Last start <=3
eg Neural ratings between 1 and 3 vrs <=3 etc

3. Can you confirm what "uniRank" specifies? Where to find in the press etc?

Much appreciated!

PS Hope the click thru banners are starting to pay for you.. curious to know what your selection process is for these or does someone decide for you??

Cheers LG
The trick isn't finding profitable angles, it's finding ones you will bet through the ups and downs - UB
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Old 12th April 2012, 06:32 AM
UselessBettor UselessBettor is offline
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1. Is your system accurately returning SR and POT for
backing the PLACE?

eg I noticed that the Av Div ($$ returned / no.
winners?) seem to be a little too high ie more like a WIN div which would then
put the LOT/POT way out??

There are issues with place results. The main cause is I include them regardless of market percentage and they are sometimes completely out of wack with what they should be on betfair due to low liquidoty. there are some on there that have gaps of $1.02 for betting and then $1000 for laying. I don't bet/lay for the place so haven't yet got around to working out a way to fix it.

2. Should there be any difference in selections returned
when using the "between" function Vrs "<="

eg Last start>=1 and Last start <=3 vrs Last
start <=3

eg Neural ratings between 1 and 3 vrs <=3 etc

There shouldn't be but sometimes buggy data can get in there. If unsure I would always use the between >= <= method.


3. Can you confirm what "uniRank" specifies? Where to
find in the press etc? rating rank.

Much appreciated!

PS Hope the click thru banners are starting to pay for
you.. curious to know what your selection process is for these or does someone
decide for you??

if by pay you mean around 20c a day. Not even enough to make a phone call to place a bet I do that just to cover the extra bandwidth costs that are usually a few dollars each month.
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Old 12th April 2012, 08:06 AM
Lord Greystoke Lord Greystoke is offline
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Thanks UB.

Based on your responses, I will assume now that...

1.PLACE data regards finishing position is accurate but pricing is out of whack's best to use the "between" => =< option to avoid bugs

3.uniRank via Tatts is a helpful filter

4. you will eventually find a way to make those banners pay more!

Cheers LG
The trick isn't finding profitable angles, it's finding ones you will bet through the ups and downs - UB
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Old 12th April 2012, 03:15 PM
gunny72 gunny72 is offline
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Posts: 147

Thanks UB, great info. What about DS=2 and DS=3 please?
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